Academic Activities of CAI
- No
- 제목
- 글쓴이
- 작성시간
- 조회수
- 좋아요
- 1030
- Webized 3D Experience by HTML5 Annotation in 3D Web, 서대일,유병현,고희동, 201508, 한국CAD/CAM학회 학술발표회
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수257
- 0
- 1029
- Enhancing Facial Impression for Video Conference, 박성연,최희승,김익재, 201507, LNCS
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수285
- 0
- 1028
- Towards Buying Experience with Things: Experimental Study @Starbucks, 루비나 사르키,권용무, 201507, ICACT
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수270
- 0
- 1027
- Generalized Deformable Spatial Pyramid: Geometry-Preserving Dense Correspondence Estimation, 허준화,임화섭,박창수,안상철, 201506, CVPR
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수307
- 0
- 1026
- Webized 3D experience by HTML5 annotation in 3D web, 서대일,유병현,고희동, 201506, International Conference on 3D Web Technology
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수250
- 0
- 1025
- Effect of parallax distribution and crosstalk on visual comfort in parallax barrier autostereoscopic display, 김동현,이형,김성규,손광훈, 201505, Optical engineering
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수252
- 0
- 1024
- Parallax barrier engineering for image quality improvement in an autostereoscopic 3D display, 김성규,윤기혁,윤선규,주형규, 201505, Optics express
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수248
- 0
- 1023
- Responsive geo-referenced content visualization based on a user interest model and level of detail, 서대일,유병현,고희동, 201505, IJGIS
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수306
- 0