Academic Activities of CAI
- No
- 제목
- 글쓴이
- 작성시간
- 조회수
- 좋아요
- 900
- Crosstalk minimization in autostereoscopic multiview 3D display by eye tracking and fusion (overlapping) of viewing zones, 김성규,윤선규,윤기혁, 201204, SPIE Defense Security and Sensing
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수251
- 0
- 899
- H-Polarized Diffraction Coefficients of a Composite Wedge Composed of a Perfect Conductor and a Lossy Dielectric, 김세윤, 201204, IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수313
- 0
- 898
- Three-Dimensional stereoscopic display system on the table-top, 윤기혁,이형,김성규, 201204, SPIE Defense Security and Sensing
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수261
- 0
- 897
- Viewing zones of IP and MV, 손정영,박민철,이형,이범렬,손욱호, 201204, SPIE Defense Security and Sensing
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수260
- 0
- 896
- Method of crosstalk reduction using lenticular lens, 이형,이광훈,김성규,손광훈, 201204, SPIE Defense Security and Sensing
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수249
- 0
- 895
- Review Summarization Based on Linguistic Knowledge, 박경미,박호건,김형곤,고희동, 201204, International Workshop on Social Networks and Social Web Mining
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수257
- 0
- 894
- Smart Projector: A Projector-Camera System for Multi-planar display, 이아림,김익재, 201204, KJMR
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수289
- 0
- 893
- Interactive Control Tool for Tongue Animation, 김익재,홍유진, 201204, International conference on Information and Science Technology
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수223
- 0