Suppression of Borehole-Guided Waves Supported by the Connection Cable of a Single-Borehole Monostatic Pulse Radar, 조재형,정지현,김상욱,김세윤, 201306, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
Suppression of Borehole-Guided Waves Supported by the Connection Cable of a Single-Borehole Monostatic Pulse Radar, 조재형,정지현,김상욱,김세윤, 201306, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing
Suppression of Borehole-Guided Waves Supported by the Connection Cable of a Single-Borehole Monostatic Pulse Radar, 조재형,정지현,김상욱,김세윤, 201306, IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing