Academic Activities of CAI
Considerations of the Blind Region for Single-Borehole Bistatic and Monostatic Pulse Radars, 조재형,김상욱,육종관,김세윤, 201206, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Ground Penetrating Radar
Comparison of the Measured Electrical Properties of Pig Internal Organs with the Given Values for Human Organs, 정지현,김세윤, 201206, Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
Distortion of Pulse Signatures Penetrated Obliquely Through Tunnel in a Cross-Borehole Pulse Radar, 김상욱,최종성,김세윤, 201206, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Ground Penetrating Radar
Considerations of the Blind Region for Single-Borehole Bistatic and Monostatic Pulse Radars, 조재형,김상욱,육종관,김세윤, 201206, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Ground Penetrating Radar