Academic Activities of CAI
- No
- 제목
- 글쓴이
- 작성시간
- 조회수
- 좋아요
- 1120
- A machine-learning-based gait estimation from the foot arch parameters measured by a foot scanning system, 문경률,정환수,오형안,홍정기,조재영,김진욱, 201809, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수356
- 0
- 1119
- A learning-based gait estimation during walking-in-place in VR locomotion system, 문경률,정환수,오형안,김진욱, 201809, Interantional Society of Biomechanics in Sports
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수367
- 0
- 1118
- Webizing Collaborative Interaction Space for Cross Reality with Various Human Interface Devices, Daeil Seo,유병현,고희동, 201806, International Conference on 3D Web Technology
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수291
- 0
- 1117
- Amplitude, period and orientation of the moire patterns in barrier 3D displays, Vladimir Saveljev,김성규, 201803, Journal of information display
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수298
- 0
- 1116
- Face alignment using a deep neural network with local feature learning and recurrent regression, 박병화,오세영,김익재, 201712, Expert systems with applications
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수280
- 0
- 1115
- A Novel Framework for Assessing Facial Attractiveness Based on Facial Proportions, 홍유진,남기표,최희승,조정현,김익재, 201711, SYMMETRY
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수252
- 0
- 1114
- Analysis of sleeve dipole antennas fed by ferrite-loaded coaxial cables for a scaled-down cross-borehole radar, 정지현,조재형,김세윤, 201711, IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수299
- 0
- 1113
- Covariance analysis for evaluating head trackers, 강동훈, 201710, Optical engineering
- 관리자
- 2021-02-07
- 조회수390
- 0