Academic Activities of CAI
A Study on the Correlation between the Foot Features and Gait Characteristics during Over-ground Walking, 문경률,최선종,전성국,홍정기,김진욱, 201706, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
Experimental evaluation of a novel robotic hospital bed mover with omni-directional mobility, Guo Zhao,Rachael Bei Yee,문경률,Haoyong Yu, 201711, Applied ergonomics
Correlation between projector calibration error and depth expression range for autostereoscopic optical display system using LASER beam scanning projector, 김여훈,강민구,윤기혁,손광훈,김성규, 201706, Three-Dimension
A Study on the Correlation between the Foot Features and Gait Characteristics during Over-ground Walking, 문경률,최선종,전성국,홍정기,김진욱, 201706, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports