Academic Activities of CAI
A scaled down laboratory experiment of cross-borehole pulse radar signatures for detection of a terminated tunnel, 조재형,정지현,김세윤,육종관, 201609, Measurement science & technology
Webized CAD system with HTML5 Annotation on the Web, 서대일,유병현, 201610, Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering
Primary and secondary gait deviations of stroke survivors and their association with gait performance, 김형식,정순철,최미현,김선용,김우람,탁계래,임대운,전성국,김진욱,문경률, 201609, Journal of physical therapy science.
A scaled down laboratory experiment of cross-borehole pulse radar signatures for detection of a terminated tunnel, 조재형,정지현,김세윤,육종관, 201609, Measurement science & technology